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Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a cloud platform and infrastructure developed by Microsoft and is designed to allow users to work more efficiently and thereby save time and resources.

Cloud platform

The cloud platform Azure is a big part of Microsoft's future strategy for their online services. The online platform consists of various services related to Microsoft datacenter as host. The vision with Azure is to make the customers' IT infrastructure, such as data storage, backup and recovery, more efficient and, not least, more profitable.

Hosted data center

Azure is a cloud computing platform developed by Microsoft for developing, deploying and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft administered and Microsoft partner hosted data centers.


With Microsoft Azure, you can at any time create new services and constantly scale the storage capacity for your data.

Compared to a local data center solution that would require the purchase of new hardware and operating system if your server needs to be upgraded to address new IT challenges, it's quick and easy to scale up or down your Azure server. This flexibility makes Azure a highly attractive online option for companies of all types and sizes.


Azure not only makes it faster and easier to add and scale your IT infrastructure into the cloud, Azure also makes it cheaper. First of all, you do not have to buy expensive hardware and you do not have to pay for the IT expertise required to implement this hardware.

So by using Microsoft's cloud infrastructure and expertise, you save resources that you can instead use to create growth in your company.

Efficient and profitably

The ambition behind Azure is that customers' IT infrastructure such as data storage, backup and recovery becomes more efficient and especially more profitable.

ERP infrastructure in the cloud

Azure is the most advanced cloud platform avalible for businesses today. Azure hosting provides both in scale and geographic reach an infrastructure in the cloud that is growing at an unprecedented pace. Based on the requirements of your business, you can deploy and manage your Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP system in the cloud on the Azure data center.

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner