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Continia Expense Management

With Expense Management, it is easy to manage and oversee all types of travel expenses and outlay and the solution is directly integrated with Business Central.

Submit outlays while your employees are on the go

With Expense Management, it is no longer necessary for your employees to submit their expenses at the office, they can do so while they are on the go, for example while on a business trip.

Your business travel staff can easily and quickly report their expenses while on the go. All they have to do is complete a few simple steps in the Expense Management app.

Automatically credit card reconciliation

Fetch your employees' credit card expenses directly into Business Central. You can also link each individual expense to a registered receipt. The moment your transactions are reconciled with the expense reporting, the accounting department knows exactly which transactions are missing documentation.

Get an overview of your expenses, directly in Business Central

Every day, the activities are collected for those of your employees who are on the go and directly sent to Business Central. This means that in Business Central you get a complete real-time overview of your company's expenses. The activities are registered as items, travel expenses are treated like everything else in Business Central.

Continia Web Approval Portal

Whether you want to approve outlays directly in Business Central or whether you want to do it online via a browser is entirely up to you. This means that all employees in the company in principle have access to the approval workflow.

The approval workflow works by allowing the person or persons who is to approve the outlays can view the original outlay in Business Central or in the approval portal and either accept, reject, put on hold or forward it to another approver for review or approval. If the approver needs to add comments or attachments to the outlay, it is done quite simply.

The smart thing about the Continia Web Approval Portal is that those of the company's employees who do not have direct access to Business Central are also given the opportunity to approve expenses or other types of documents, and it is subordinate to where the approver is located, as the portal is accessed via a browser. As long as you have access to the internet, you also have access to view and approve documents.

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