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Dynamics 365 Finance

Dynamics 365 Finance automates and streamlines the financial operations and workflows in the global corporate group. The solution enables the company finance manager to monitor real-time financial results and predict future financial results. With Dynamics 365 Finance, you can make decisions and establish data-based strategies, which will help to grow your global business.

Dynamics 365 Finance, ERP to companies that operates globally

Dynamics 365 Finance is one of the ERP solutions in Microsoft's business applications platform with the overall brand name Dynamics 365. In their marketing efforts, Microsoft targets Dynamics 365 Business Central to small and medium-sized businesses, Dynamics 365 Finance targets the very large and global organizations. Dynamics 365 Finance is designed to create coherence across the global company and throughout its supply chain that in many cases cross borders.

Through advanced functionality Finance optimizes all workflows across the entire global organization and provides a solid basis for streamlining the company's purchasing, inventory and order management in one solution. Finance automates, digitizes and optimizes internal processes throughout the global value chain, contributing positively to the bottom line and creating competitiveness.

Create growth and profitability with improved financial management for the financial director

Improve the company's financial performance
Get insight into the company's financial health with built-in finance functionality tailored to the Accounting Director, which includes key KPIs, charts and financial metrics to help promote reliability, efficiency and growth.

Innovate the financial strategy
Connect your company's global business across borders and move from financial considerations based on static views that focus on historical data to financial strategies based on dynamic views of future market trends, opportunities and innovations.

Live up to requirements and regulations and thereby create competitive advantages
Fulfill and comply with local as well as global data protection requirements and regulations and reduce data exposure risks. By complying with the data regulations and creating security around data, compliance is made an opportunity to create growth for the company.

Support the stratical activities with the help of AI

With built-in unified real-time global financial reporting, embedded analytics and insight based on intelligent predictions, Dynamics 365 Finance delivers insights into the company's operational and financial status, lets you gain control of the company's finances, optimize the company's cash flow and enable you to quickly make important strategic decisions that drive business growth and create competitive advantages.

Automated financial work processes

The role-based work areas in Dynamics 365 Finance allow you to make the important financial and strategic decisions both smarter and faster and with the integrated and interactive Power BI data visualization, you get an overview of important high-level business metrics as well as the opportunity to dive into the company's transactions and thus monitor its solvency and liquidity ratio. With integrated tools and applications, such as Office 365, you can automate and prioritize work tasks, thus saving time and resources and ultimately optimizing your company's financial performance.

Reduce business expenses

With advanced process automation, efficient budget management as well as financial planning and analysis, the company's operating costs are reduced and cost management optimized.

Reduce financial risk and complexity

With the flexible, automated, rule-based accounting plan and its dimensions in Dynamics 365 Finance, it is quick and easy to make the necessary adjustments to enable the company to adapt to changing global and local financial conditions and requirements, thus managing financial operations simple, timely and accurate. In Dynamics 365 Finance, you can manage the local regulatory requirements that are constantly changing with a configuration service that simplifies regulatory and tax reporting, e-invoicing and payments, without requiring extra functionality coding.


Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner