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With OneDrive, you can easily back up, save and share your files, such as pictures, videos, documents and you can do it wherever you are or what device you prefer.

File storage in the cloud

OneDrive is another cloud service in the line of Microsoft's online solutions. OneDrive is a file hosting service that allows users to store files and data in the cloud. Via OneDrive, you can synchronize files to a PC that can be accessed from a web browser or mobile device. The files can also be shared publicly or personally to specific persons.

Access your files and documents from any device

With OneDrive, you can use the device you prefer, phone, tablet or computer to work on ongoing work wherever you are. When making changes to your documents, these changes are updated across all devices.

Your files are always at your fingertips

With OneDrive, you can work on and stay productive even when you do not have access to the Internet. You always have access to your files, even if you're not online, which means you can always have your important files at your fingertips.

Protect your files

Should something happen to your device, for example your computer, at least you do not have to worry about losing your files and documents as they will still be in the OneDrive cloud. OneDrive is also encrypted with SSL.

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Dynamics 365 Business Central partner