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Dynamics NAV Project in four steps

No projects are of course identical and this overview is obviously only a guideto provide an overview for you.

Requirements analysis

Before we begin the implementation of Dynamics NAV, it is important to know exactly what needs your company has.

Therefore, a thorough analysis is necessary so that we fully understand the processes at your company, it's opportunities and problems. With the knowledge the analysis gives us we are able to customize your Dynamics NAV solution so that it meets the needs and requirements of your company.


Do not be confused or intimidated by the implementation process. All of our consultants have worked with development and implementation of Dynamics NAV in at least 10 years, and have extensive experience from working with other companies each from different industries. Therefore, we are also able to assist your company with the implementation process.

The implementation of Dynamics NAV is performed via separate parts. An effective method implies that all resources are used optimally and that the flows of information are distributed amongst all the project stakeholders. This ensure an implementation of high quality which will be maintained within the agreed framework.


No ERP systems function optimally without savvy users. Therefore, we attach great importance to learning process so that you and your co-workers are experts in your Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision) solution.

Our experience shows that many Dynamics NAV users over time incorporate routines which are not the most effective compared to the performance of the system. We therefore offer thorough training for you and your staff in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, our additional products and industry-specific solutions.


A big part of doing business is to upgrade and maintain your company's software solutions. On the other hand the advantage of using the latest solutions be significant. Improved and new functions can both optimize and enhance the productivity of your company and thereby reduce your costs considerably.

Maintenance and support

A project is not only covering the delivery of the latest version of Dynamics NAV, but also the development and support of previous versions.

All our additional solutions are of course fully integrated Dynamics NAV solutions. Active Business Solutions also offers a support agreement which ensure an annual follow-up meeting where we identifie the potential areas for improvement of your Dynamics NAV system and ensure that you get the most out of your solution.

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner