Vibeholms Allé 15
DK-2605 Brøndby
+45 70 23 36 30
Vollsveien 13 C
N-1366 Lysaker
+47 67 10 53 38
Nordenskiöldsgatan 24
SE-211 19 Malmö
+46 70 87 97 993
United States
875 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 3950
Chicago, IL 60611
+45 70 23 36 30
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to Active Business Solutions AS
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Active Business Solutions has resolved a wide range of different tasks for a wide variety of companies, large and small, belonging to different industries.

Our most important asset - our customers

But regardless of size and industry you, the customer always take priority. For us it as a key factor that we can grow and add value to your business. You will see us as an active partner from initial contact to delivery and follow-up.

Wide network

Active Business Solutions has an extensive network of partners within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Solutions, Business Intelligence, management consulting etc. The network is international but with emphasis in the Nordic region.


In addition to focusing primarily on supporting customers in the Nordic countries, we also support customers in the following countries:

  • USA
  • UK
  • Spain
  • Germany
  • Hungary

Our focus on strategically networking strengthens the quality of the network locally, and makes us accustomed to working across national borders. Active Business Solutions has customers across the entire Nordic region.

Long experience with Navision

Many years of experience have made us experts in analysis, development, system integration and implementation of Business Central (former Dynamics NAV / Navision) and related systems. Therefore our customers are experiencing Active Business Solutions as a reliable and active partner from the initial contact to delivery and follow-up.

In the left menu you will find selected references.

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner