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Business Central upgrading

The scope of an upgrade project depends largely on the age of your current Dynamics NAV / Business Central solution and how much customized functionality you want to bring it.

The upgrade process

When upgrading to the latest version of Business Central, it is first and foremost important to know which version of Dynamics NAV / Business Central you are upgrading from. In addition, it is important to know the number of users and not least the amount of data, reports and adjustments you want to transfer to the new solution. In some cases, adjustments will not be compatible and in other cases they will be superseded by the new standard functionality.

Modifications and custom functionality

In cases where there are particularly large amount of modifications in the current solution, it is worth considering whether it is worthwhile to transfer them to Business Central. The latest version of Business Central has built in a lot of new functionality which in many cases will eliminate the need of the many special customizations. In addition, the built-in integration with the other Dynamics 365 apps and services can add additional functionality to Business Central.

Despite the addition of new features and built-in integration in the latest version of Business Central, some companies will still need modifications or additional functionality. Therefore, an upgrade will also always start with a review of the company and a consequent assessment of what business needs and thus functionality is needed to upgrade to Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Business Central Extensions

Unlike Dynamics NAV, customization or adding extra functionality to Business Central is not made in the application itself, but rather as Extensions, which are add-ons there is placed outside of the application. This means that you do not have to or even cant't make changes to the basic code and that it is significantly easier to upgrade Business Central to a newer version.


Before upgrading to Business Central, it is also important to decide which reports are crucial to your business and which reports you can do without. Much has changed and everything depending on which version of Dynamics NAV / Business Central you are upgrading from, some reports will no longer be compatible with Dynamics 365 Business Central and must therefore be rebuilt in the new solution where new functionality may make it necessary to build up the reports again from scratch.


For all companies, IT security is extremely important, but unfortunately for many it is also something that you only think of when it is already too late. In order to prevent security breaches, such as illegal intrusion, it is necessary that your company take its precautions, first and foremost by keeping all the company's applications updated to the latest versions. Running on the latest version of Business Central also increases the security of your data.

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Dynamics 365 Business Central partner