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Roletailored ERP

In an effort to improve alignment between ERP systems and its users, a number of manufacturers of business systems begun to incorporate the role concept in their IT systems.

What is Roletailored ERP?

Today the advanced business systems virtually includes all functions and business processes and are increasingly also used by a large number of users with different roles in the company's daily routines. The companies advanced IT systems are not only targeted the organization's business processes, but equally the employees who use the systems.

User specific ERP

Most people will probably agree with the assertion that an ERP system is only as good as the ability of the employees to use it. Therefore it makes perfect sense that the ERP system is designed with a user-friendly and customized interface that combines and isolates the functionalities in a meaningful way for each specific user. So when the individual user logs into, for example Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision) the user sees only meaningful and useful data about the company that relates specifically to the user's role in the company.

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Dynamics 365 Business Central partner