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Electronic data interchange (EDI)

Many of the transactions which regularly occur between companies can be handled automatically and electronically with EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).

Electronic exchange of documents

If exchanging documents with your business partners is an essential part of your company and business a comprehensive and reliable EDI solution which ensure a smooth and automatic exchanges should be apart of your ERP system. With EDI, you minimize the risk of errors that can result in costly chargebacks and in the worst case create bad relationships with your business partners.

Depending on your company and your business processes, we adapt our EDI solution, so that it is designed to cover your needs.

However, the most important aspect of our EDI solution is, that the tight integration with Dynamics NAV gives you the numerous benefits you are used to as well as the almost unlimited access to data you have in Navision.

With EDI you achieve among other things:

  • Faster order & transaction processing
  • Reduce errors and optimize the precision
  • Automation of routine tasks
  • Significant reductions in your company's expenses
  • Improved relations with business partners
  • Reduce the amount of fixed costs
Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner