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to Active Business Solutions AS
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Effective consulting service

Our most important asset is our customers. Therefore, it is extremely important for us to maintain a good relationship with our customers. That is our primary goal. We do this by taking all inputs seriously and customize our solutions to our customer needs, and most importantly, always being available when needed.

Added value in your company

We strive namely for solving your business challenges and needs, so that we together can streamline and optimize the structure of your business.

For instance we do this by implementing an ERP solution of high quality, developing strong and integrated extensions that complement the functionality of Business Central, as well as providing a stable and efficient advisory consultancy service. All of our consultants have many years of experience and industry-specialized, which means you, no matter what industry your company belongs to, always is guaranteed a consultant who knows your industry, and is designing the solutions to your specific needs and adds value to your company.


At the start of a new project we always begin with a thorough business analysis. This analysis allows us to develop a suitable solution and makes it easier for us to specify an assessment of price, job size and time estimate. After many years of experience with Business Central and involvement in a large number of projects, we have learned that two main factors are important when we act as project advisors. Firstly, there will, no matter how well a project is planned, almost always occur details to be adjusted and changes in the priorities.

Project solution

As a flexible partner that focuses on the details and planning, our goal is to minimize the number of changes throughout a project. Therefore, it is our goal that we in good faith locates and fixes the changes that may occur, so we thereby ensure minimal effort and risk and ensure that the project remains within the agreed budget. Secondly, every project is unique and the solutions that are tailored to each company's needs must always rely on unforeseen challenges. Therefore, it is important to have a business partner who has long experience and is able to anticipate and resolve these challenges as early as possible.

Optimization of your business

With our methods and approach to projects we ensure that the customer always achieve the desired results. As a flexible business partner who knows how to take the right steps, supported by advanced techniques and methods, you are assured that whatever project we involve ourselves in, such as software development, integration or ERP implementation, we remain focused on the fact that in the end your company must experience added business value.

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner