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Jet Reports –Reporting for Business Central

Do you need your business and financial reports adjusted quickly and efficiently? With Jet Reports, it's easy to get started developing the company reports and dashboards you need from Business Central, directly in Excel.


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Simple and efficient reporting in Excel

Jet Reports (formerly Jet Professional) is the market's best Excel-based reporting tool and fully integrated with Excel. This means that Jet Reports works with all the familiar features and functions from Excel and that in principle there are no limits to what reports you can make and what type of information you can use. It also makes Jet Reports very easy to implement and use in the company, as you and your colleagues are probably already familiar and familiar with Excel.

The entire report's functionality is located in the Excel file itself, so your reports are updated directly in Excel. You also have the ability to share the reports across the company with your colleagues who do not have Jet Reports.

Direct integration to Business Central

Create the business reports and dashboards you need from Business Central. Jet Reports is not just another reporting solution that can be connected to Business Central. Jet Reports is developed for Business Central. With correct and accurate reporting, fast and clear analyzes and a structured budgeting directly in Excel, you can make better decisions, which are based on data and knowledge rather than gut feelings and intuitions.

Go directly to the data source

If you doubt the reliability of the data you are looking at in Jet Reports, it is easy and fast to go directly to the data source. With just a single click on that data in Jet Reports, your Business Central client opens in the table and record associated with your Jet Reports report. So you can always see what data in Business Central is the basis for your report.

Get the most of your Business Central reporting

Take advantage of all the functionality of Excel and take full advantage of your Business Central reporting.

With Jet Reports, all employees across the company have the opportunity to create and run Business Central financial and company reports themselves and directly in Excel, an environment they already know and are comfortable with. Therefore, the need for training and involvement of external consultants is also minimal.

You are up and running quickly

Get rid of time-consuming and in many cases flawed reporting. With Jet Reports you get a reliable and secure reporting and analysis solution and you are up and running quickly.

Jet Reports is quickly installed and your employees are already familiar with the familiar Excel user interface. You thus gain almost instant insight into your company's data and will quickly experience an improvement in the company's efficiency.

Avoid manual and time-consuming work

By automating all your Excel reports, you and your employees can prioritize your resources on creating value in the business by focusing on the core business rather than wasting time on redundant manual entry work.

The automatic e-mail transmission in Jet Reports means that you do not have to think about the distribution of your company reports either. Colleagues and teams across the company automatically receive the finished and updated reports in their inbox, either as Excel or PDF files.

Access your reports at any time and wherever you are

With Insightsoftware's web portal Jet Hub, your employees have fast and secure access to the data they need when they need it and wherever they are. Jet Hub can be accessed no matter what type of device you prefer as long as there is access to the web. This means that you can access, share, publish and update reports and dashboards, whether you are sitting at your desk or on the go.

Jet Reports Q&A

Get answers to any questions you may have regarding Jet Reports. If you have questions regarding Jet Reports which are not answered below, you are of course very welcome to contact us.

Here you will find contact information

What is Jet Reports?

Jet Reports, formerly Jet Professional, is a reporting solution for Excel that is directly integrated with Business Central.

What can Jet Reports do?

With Jet Reports, it is possible to combine the company's financial and business reporting in Excel, which means that all relevant employees have the opportunity to explore data with just a click of a button and in a familiar environment.

Hvorfor Jet Reports?

Med Jet Reports har du mulighed for nemt og hurtigt at generere pålidelige og præcise økonomiske rapporter i et format som virker for dig. Du kan nemlig anvende nøjagtig de samme felter og udregninger, som du plejer og det hele fungerer som en indbygget del af Excel.

Kan Jet Reports bruges til Business Central?

Ja. Jet Jeports er udviklet til Business Central og leverer hurtig og præcis rapportering. Jet Reports supporterer Essential og Premium versionerne af Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Hvad er Jet Hub?

Jet Hub er en overskuelig og sikker webportal hvorfra du kan evaluere, dele, offentliggøre og opdatere eksempelvis dine Jet Reports rapporter. Med Jet Hub får dine medarbejdere adgang til de data de har brug for, uanset hvornår de skal bruge det, og uanset hvor de befinder sig.

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