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Electronic expenses management

Get rid of your manual outlayschedules and optimize procedures.

Integrated in Dynamics NAV (Navision)

All are struggling to cope with the claim for expenses. In Norway, the rules have been changed so that it is now possible to save these electronically. Therefore, we have developed an integrated and dynamic add-on solution configured in Dynamics NAV with a simple web interface for managing expenses.

Simple and easy

For example, you can continuously take pictures of the outlayss and send them to a mailbox which is monitored by the solution. Here, all the expenses are collected for further processing. They can also be uploaded  directly to your personal area via the browser. Once the user has entered the required information about the documents, they are sent futher for approval. The solution is fully integrated with Active Workflow that handles incoming documents for accounting entry and approval.

Configuration i Navision

Both Active Expenses and Active Workflow are solutions where the "engine" is located in Dynamics NAV, which means that it does not have to be synchronized with other applications. In addition, all Dynamics NAV knowledgeable are able to maintain the solutions as the configuration is done in Dynamics NAV.

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner