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CRM in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Create an overview of your customer relations while maintaining your existing customers.

Customer Relationship Management

CRM is short for Customer Relationship Management. CRM provides an overview of your customer relationships. In practical terms it is done by the CRM functions in the system which is collecting, processing, sharing and using the informations about your customers.

Maintain your existing customers

CRM is used to maintain and develop your loyal customers, rather than spending resources on acquiring new ones. This will often be an economic advantage because the cost of obtaining a new customer often exceeds the price for satisfing an existing one.

In many industries CRM is seen as marketing directed at existing customers, ie. as a control of the traditional marketing.

A CRM system can give you the following benefits:

  • A decrease in the total cost
  • Increased quality and efficiency
  • Improved basis for decisions
  • Increase your attention to your customers
  • Optimizes profitability
  • Improved product

Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Are you interested in improving the effectiveness of your CRM efforts further?

Active Business Solutions distribute Dynamics CRM, which is the most widely used CRM system in the world.


Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner