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Dynamics 365 on Azure

Many companies have chosen to host their IT infrastructure on Azure, and with good reason, Azure is stable and that flexible cloud environment, but with the launch of Dynamics 365 Azure, there is yet another reason to choose Microsoft Azure.

Everything you need in the cloud

Dynamics 365 combines CRM and ERP into one cloud solution and provides various aps with different functionality such as sales, customer service, finance and field service.  Dynamics 365 on Azure provides all you need to run a successful business.

Scalable and reliable ERP in the cloud

Dynamics 365 on Azure is designed to allow small and medium-sized businesses to quickly get on a reliable and scalable ERP system and thus manage the business in a future-proof environment.

Dynamics 365 is a Microsoft cloud service that is not available on your own server or on any other cloud service, but only on Azure.

Read more about Dynamics 365

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner