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Cumulative updates in Dynamics NAV

Microsoft Dynamics NAV has evolved greatly during the last several years. The system has become more flexible and for both customers and partners, Navision has become easier to work with, maintain and develop as each company's business requirements changes and becomes more complicated.

Continuous improvements

As a response to the end users feedback and demand for new functionality, Microsoft has continually improved Dynamics NAV with a lot of new functionalities. The improvements range from closer integration to Microsoft's cloud services like Office 365 and Dynamics CRM to improved analysis through Power BI. Also the web and mobile client has continuously been improved and they have made new tools to develop adaptations. Also the way to retrieve the cumulative updates changed.

Introducing the Cumulative Updates

In the past, Dynamics NAV (Navision) was updated and maintained through individual updates, hotfixes and service packs. The updates patched all ongoing individual shortcomings in the ERP solution. In order to keep the system up-to-date every hotfix and update had to be applied. Therefore, the maintenance process was very extensive and not so different from an actual upgrade.

The cumulative updates for Dynamics NAV is update packages that also includes all the previous released changes. This means that you only need to install the latest update, that delivers so much more than just regular bug fixes and is more reminiscent of small gradual upgrades that also delivers new features and functionality.

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner