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Integrated business solutions

In Active Business Solutions, we know Business Central ( former Dynamics NAV and Navision) to the bottom and is therefore able to see the full potential of the solution.

Integrated solutions

A major advantage of using Dynamics 365 Business Central it is that with this solution it is possible to develop fully integrated add-on software called Extensions that matches your company's specific business management needs and expands the functionality of Business Central. Extensions can be tailored to suit the needs of your company, and thus adjust and optimize your ERP solution. Our developers are thorough and professional and ensure that the products we develop live up to your companys requirements.

Cost-effective prices

With our solutions you are always guaranteed full integration with Business Central, detailed customizations and which is always being developed at cost-effective prices. You can also function as an active player in the development process, in the sense that we use your inputs and develop solutions so that they are tailored for the needs of you and your employee's and adapted to your company.

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner