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Introduction to Dynamics CRM

For the economic development of any business, sales activities have always been a crucial element.

Sales and marketing - more than just the exchange of goods

Today competition and fast pace dominates the market and increased sales has become an even bigger challenge. Today sales and marketing is about much more than just the exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money. Both sales and marketing must be familiar with a lot of concepts such as leads, inquiries, customers, sales, feedback, conditions, requirements, etc. Likewise the arrival of modern technology resulted in a change in organizational approach to customer relations. These technological advances are making many of the company's customer relations are managed electronically.

Overview of all sales and marketing activities

Many companies needs automated services and communication which is tailored to the individual customer. Therefore the need for a system which can effectively identify and differentiate customers, managing the sales process and customer relationships, provide an overview of marketing activities, capturing important data and information about customers etc. are basic and very important.

In short, today, companies need a complete overview of all sales and marketing activities and therefore CRM has gained immense popularity.

Holistic business strategy

CRM was originally designed exclusively to improve corporate customer service, but today the concept relates closest to the whole strategy of a company. So although CRM refers to a systematic approach to customer service, it has changed to also provide a holistic approach to business strategy, which means that the business strategy is put into one streamlined whole.

Customer Relationship Management, CRM

The customer is the most important element which by buying or renting, acquires or uses goods or services from a preferred company. The price is mutually agreed and the customer has the possibility to choose between different products and suppliers. In this context, a customer is also known as a client, buyer or user of the products / services provided by a company or organization, called the supplier, seller or supplier.

In the business world Relationship refers to a condition involving mutual relationships between persons or parties. In this context it involves more interaction with your customers and give you a greater understanding of their needs. The more you interact, and thereby understand your customers, the better chance you have to build a strong business relationship with them.

Here Management refers to the overall management of all customer contacts. Not only within customer support, but also the management of all the interactions with the customers, which means that you both thinks and acts customer oriented.


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