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Dynamics SL (formerly Solomon)

Microsoft Dynamics SL is one of Microsoft ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software products primarily developed and designed for project-driven small and medium enterprises. Dynamics SL is part of the Microsoft Dynamics product line.

Project orientated ERP solution

Dynamics SL has gradually evolved into a niche product with a project orientated focus. In the UK, the system has particularly enjoyed success in the media industry.

Since the original company was founded in 1980, Dynamics SL is the oldest ERP system among Microsoft's ERP solutions.

Microsoft Dynamics SL is primarily known for the solution properties in project management and integration with Microsoft Office Project Server that is a member of the Microsoft Office family. The system's extensive business management features make it easier for project, service and distribution-driven companies to handle accounting in project management and project handling. Therefore, it becomes easier to effectively monitor and manage projects, and thereby enhancing profitability and efficiency.

The functionalities of Dynamics SL includes both finance, project accounting, manufacturing, field service, supply chain management, analytics, and e-commerce.

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner