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Business Central Manufacturing

Achieving the necessary degree of control over the production process can be a major challenge for manufacturing companies. Business Central provides production functionality that integrates and streamlines all aspects of your manufacturing process, including production planning, scheduling, inventory management and distribution of finished goods, so wastage and expensive production stops are minimized as much as possible and the overall production process runs as smoothly as possible.

What is manufacturing management?

Manufacturing management or production management is the process that involves the often extensive and complicated conversionprocess of raw materials into finished goods or products. In other words, the purpose of manufacturing management is to achieve the greatest possible efficiency and control over the company's production by planning, organizing and managing the production activities.

The right IT system

Over the past few decades, manufacturing companies have experienced increased pressure, not least from offshore manufacturers who are pushing the domestic markets and eroding profit margins, while customers still demand high-quality goods at lower prices and which is constantly being innovated. But not only that, the production companies are also being pushed by tighter legislation and with the increased awareness of global warming, new and stricter environmental requirements are also imposed.

All of this increases the cost of running a production business and necessitates that the production process runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible, which requires an IT system that can handle the complicated and extensive processes.

Functionality for production management in Business Central

Business Central provides functionality that enables you to integrate, streamline and manage all aspects of the production process as well as the operation of your business. With optimal planning, inventory management, distribution, logistics and financial management, you can quickly respond to new changing demands and at the same time be able to deliver what customers want and when they want it.

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner