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Business Central integration to WordPress

WordPress is one of the most widely used CMS systems and is used today by more than 60 million websites. Through connectors, Business Central can easily be integrated with your WordPress e-commerce plugin.

Is it possible to integrate Wordpress and Business Central?

Yes! WordPress is an easy-to-manage and transparent online platform that lets you install plugins that extend the functionality of the solution, such as the e-commerce platform WooCommerce that is fully integrable with Business Central.

The advantage of WordPress is that with the many easy-to-integrate plugins you can choose from, you can easily find the ones that deliver exactly the functionality you need, thus optimizing the operation of your business while making the administration easy and manageable.

Business Central plugin for Wordpress

By integrating Business Central with your WordPress e-commerce plugin solution, you will improve the functionality of your financial system and you will be better able to manage the operation of your online business. However, for integration to be possible your e-commerce plugin must be integral with Business Central.

If you run WordPress, have a webshop connected and you want to integrate it to Business Central, you are very welcome to contact us.


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