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The Storage module - Dynamics NAV

The Storage module in Dynamics NAV allows you to gain control over your warehouse.

Inventory management with inventory module in Dynamics NAV

You do not alone get overview of each shipment or process, but also the most efficient use of your storage room. As the system keeps getting reports from real-time data, it is easy to give accurate feedback on the status inquiries.

The Storage module helps you with the following:

  • Optimization of storage capacity
    With the inventory module you can establish and automate the most resourceful routines
  • Streamline operations and increase productivity
    The Storage module minimize bottlenecks and repeated handlings. Managing of data can be updated directly from your warehouse to avoid repeatedly having to enter data.
  • Improve order execution
    With the Storage module you get the ability to follow each order and therefore give your customers the exact status.
  • Gain flexibility for expansion possibilities
    You have the possibility to choose the level of simplicity and complexity, so the ERP solution is customized to meet your current and future needs. Therefore, your ERP system are capable of growing while your business expands and gets additional needs.
  • Inventory management
    Integrate all facets of your inventory needs from refilling to priority order.
  • Internal acquisition and marketing
    Items can be moved in and out of your warehouse independently of receipts or shipments.
  • Tracking of inventories
    Access the history of each item in your warehouse gives you precise information about your products and a high level of traceability.
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