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Dynamics NAV - Offshore

Offshore companies face many challenges if they are to meet the many requirements for administrative and accounting tasks and at the same time ensure a fair share of Field Services operating results.

Flexible software

With Microsoft Dynamics NAV, it is possible for offshore companies to conduct operations either independently of the accounts, or operations that follows financial statements (ERP-system) as an all-in-one solution.

Efficiency improvement

Above energy policy changes you can ensure your business a higher operational efficiency. Active Business Solutions helps companies in the offshore industry with solutions to compensate for unstable oil prices and exploit the technology and the resources you already have available.

Improved logistics and productivity

Easy access to updated records and data provides enhanced logistics and optimizes the financial execution. By optimizing your IT solutions, information and data in your company becomes available for your team when they need it. This increases the productivity through process integration and thereby improves the financial results.

With an effective and efficient ERP system as Dynamics NAV you can increase production while you reduce the capital turnover.


Dynamics NAV optimize and streamlines companies in the offshore industry.

The solution helps you among other things by:

  • Get the most out of equipment, tools, rent, & crew
  • Monitor profitability of equipment, service, or parts of the company and download statistics which provides an overview and clear monitoring
  • Reduce your maintenance costs and return rented equipment faster and save thereby expenses
  • Managing greater volume with less staff and save thereby administrative expenses
  • Identify and manage operational risks, making your company the flexible and adaptable


Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner