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Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Achieve a proactive, rather than a reactive, operating processes in your company. With Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, you can transform and streamline the processes of your business by solving problems in your business before they occur.

ERP for global companies in need of advanced SCM

Together with Dynamics 365 Finance, Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management is Microsoft's heavy ERP application and has been developed for large global organizations and groups with complex processes, such as extensive production. The two solutions together constitute an alternative to Dynamics 365 Business Central, which is developed for the small and medium-sized companies.

Proactive operations management

Be proactive in your operations administration and avoid any disruptions before they happen. Build a smooth, connected, integrated and durable supply chain with Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. Using predictable insights derived from cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) technology, you can streamline business planning, workflows, production, inventory management and transportation, creating an SCM operation where you, above all, responding to events or situations when they occur, preventing them from happening, while maximizing the company's operational efficiency, product quality and overall profitability.

Innovative production operation

Run automated processes and reduce downtime using IoT and mixed reality technology across any type of manufacturing process and run through the Planning Optimization add-in real-time production planning.

Modernize your inventory management

Machine Learning (ML Learning) is a technology that enables computers to learn without being programmed. With Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Machine Learning's enhanced guides ensure   that you do not run out of goods or have too many items in your inventory, thus contributing to a more efficient inventory management. In addition, speed up inbound and outbound processes using embedded Microsoft Power BI analytics functionality.

Optimize production operation

Using the Internet of Things (IoT), you can identify potential technical issues in production before they occur, thus preventing downtime, increasing production efficiency and product quality. With the use of intelligent mixed reality interactive learning solutions in Dynamics 365 SCM you also have the opportunity to improve the workforce.

Get the longest possible life on your company's assets

Maximize the life and performance of your company's valuable equipment, machinery and other assets. With mixed reality and IoT functionality, you get the opportunity to plan, predict and proactively manage asset management with the Asset Management add-in.

Achieve a supply chain that is automated and streamlined

Gain efficiency by improving the delivery of your products and services. Through insight into the processes and predictive analyzes, you can optimize overall planning, improve fulfillment, streamline the procurement processes and streamline the logistics of your supply chain.

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner