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Business Central Accountants

Dynamics 365 Business Central is an effective ERP solution for accountants. The application optimizes workflows, for example, it reduces the number of clicks in the execution of accounting tasks and controls the business and customer data.

Streamline your accounting policies

Dynamics Accountant Hub allows you to optimize the management of your accounting processes and tasks and also get easier access to your customers' data in one simple and user-friendly dashboard.

Optimize productivity

With Business Central for accountants, you can effectively manage accounting tasks and minimize manual processes. Therefore, precious time is released, which can be used, for example, to obtain new customers or to provide a better service to current customers. In short, the solution allows you to handle even more customers from just one simple dashboard in real time.

Provide added value for your customers

Through a number of integrated Microsoft business solutions, which includes Power BI, Office 365 and the business applications that makes up Dynamics 365, you can expand the amount of services your business can offer to your customers. By using effective reporting tools and easily manageable user defined dashboards, you have the opportunity to offer your customers insight into their business. In this way, your role as a trusted and credible advisor will be further improved.

Make your business ready to step up to the next level

Prepare your business for growth by utilizing a cloud-based businessmanagement application that is both flexible and scalable. For example, you can change the way you work at any time and wherever you are. Collaboration with your customers is also ensured through automated workflows, audit trail and monitoring.


Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner