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Business Central HR / Human Resources

Employing new employees, futher education, ongoing assessment and administration of the workforce are all factors that together form an important part of the company's continued growth and success. Business Central lets you monitor and track employee performance and efficiency, and supports the entire employee lifecycle, from recruitment to ongoing administration and competence development.

What is HR management?

The term Human Resources management covers the company's administration of the workforce, such as hiring, training and assessing the individual employee. An efficient administration of the company's staff ensures that the company is able to attract, retain and develop employees, and thus retains the number of employees that best match the size of the company and, not least, ensure that the employees have the qualifications and competences required to support the company's visions and growth potential.

HR management in Business Central

HR management in Business Central gives control over the demanding and complicated HR processes, so that the staff administration becomes precise and the company lives up to the increasingly comprehensive and complex requirements for compliance, regulation and reporting. Business Central also gives you opportunity to keep detailed records of the individual employee, record and maintain information, such as employment contracts, employee qualifications, employee contacts and confidential information. You also have the option of registering the employees' absence, which allows you to analyze the absence if needed.

The important personnel data is available to the company's Human Resource department when they need it and wherever they are and the combination of the tight security functionality and user-tailored role-based client access ensures that personal sensitive information is only delivered to the right and pre-approved users.

Employee record
To start using the Human Resources functionality in Business Central, you must first register and configure each employee with all basic and relevant information. Subsequently, you can add different codes to an employee, which allows you to filter information for specific employees. Information about the individual employee can be changed at any time and maintenance and updating of employee records will in many cases also simplify the HR employees' staff assignments. For example, if an employee receives new contact information, you can register this on the employee card in Business Central.

Business Central has been developed so that the solution is highly integrated with other Microsoft solutions. This means that your custom schedules, payment rates and hiring process functionality in Business Central will both work with and as your other Microsoft products and your employees, therefore, quickly will adapt to the solution.

With the HR functionalities in Business Central, you can:

  • Keep detailed records of all the employees in your company
  • Streamline your business management of human resources management and achieve significant administrative time savings
  • Streamline the human resources management in your company and achieve significant administrative time savings
  • Continuous registration and maintenance of employee information, for example information on qualifications, employment contracts and confidential information
  • Make it easier for your HR staff to select and recruit candidates as well as share the information with the workforce responsible for hiring
  • Get insight into the employees' professional development and an overview of any further education, where the HR staff can ensure that the individual employee completes the training course
  • Achieve a greater degree of security around the personal data of your co-workers
  • Record your employees' absence and subsequently analyze the registered absence as needed
Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner