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Dynamics NAV E-commerce

For companies who sell a product or a service online, it may be necessary to establish an e-commerce website to ensure continued success or to expand the business.

Integrated e-commerce

Maintenance of a shop can be both time consuming and expensive. In Active Business Solutions, we can help you lower the overall operating costs by integrating your e-commerce site with Dynamics NAV.

Streamline your sales cycle, driv your online sales and give your customers a better online shopping experience.

Integration with Dynamics NAV

For companies that need to be present online the ERP solution Dynamics NAV offers several flexible options. By integrating Dynamics NAV with your web-shop, you can quickly and easily adjust the page content and reduce the time spent on administration of the page.

Integrated solutions

Active Business Solutions provides e-commerce solutions for all types of companies. With our solutions, you have everything you need to create, operate and maintain a web storefront that gives you happy and satisfied customers, while the commitment of your employees' are minimized. And because our solutions are tightly integrated with Dynamics NAV, you are assured of features and benefits that you would not normally have access to with any other software.

Your solution will work within the business areas you have specified in your company. We work with you to design and implement a customized solution that lives up to your specific requirements. Because the solution is fully integrated with Dynamics NAV, it will follow the business regulations you already established.

  • You decide your level of involvement in your e-commerce solution
  • If you sell goods on international markets, your e-commerce solution exploit currency features in Dynamics NAV, avoiding the need for additional programming
  • Your incoming orders are automatically integrated with your company's workflow. The integration with Dynamics NAV means that your shop can process orders and other transactions rapidly and reliably
Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner