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Cognitive Services on Azure

Cognitive computing is a common term that describes technology based on artificial intelligence. The technology thus seeks to imitate and read the human brain function, thus improving human decision making using technology based on cognitive processes.

Cognitive software

Cognitive computing has in recent years increasingly been the subject of a major marketing hype, and the concept has thus become part of modern marketing jargon, but as cognitive computing (artificial intelligence / AI) platforms have emerged and become commercially available, real applications and software has seen today's light. Cognitive computing platforms include machine learning, language processing, speech and visual recognition, interaction, and many other technologies.

Microsoft Cognitive Services -intelligent applications

The purpose of Microsoft Cognitive Services is to make applications more intelligent by adding intelligent functionality, such as face detection, sense detection, speech and visual recognition and speech and language understanding into the applications.

Microsoft's ambition with Cognitive Services is to personalize data processing and to streamline workflows, using intelligent systems only, which will be better and better to see, speak, hear, understand, and even be able to reason, meaning to contemplate and think and therefrom draw logical conclusions and inferences.

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