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ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system

An ERP system is often viewed as a necessity for running a modern business.

Benefits of ERP

The basic advantage of an ERP system is to integrate the infinite number of processes a company operates with, saving both time and money. Decision making process and the risk of making wrong decisions decreases. Data which without an ERP system would only be available in limited parts of the company are with an ERP system visible across the entire company.

  • The solution provides support to the top management in a company wich with accurate information are provided with improved decision-making. With this support, the senior management can make management decisions that in the long run will strengthen the business
  • The system can optimize the quality and efficiency of your business. By keeping the internal business process running smoothly, ERP can lead to better results which will benefit your business, customer service and production
  • ERP also creates a dynamic company which will easier adapt to different situations and changes. The company also becomes more flexible and less rigidly structured, because different parts of an organization are consistent. This flexibility makes it easier to expand the business both internally and externally

Covering multiple functionalities

An ERP system includes a wide range of functionalities that mainly covers a range of business processes, among them:

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