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Business Central Consultant

As business systems become more and more specialized and companies increasingly transform and digitize their business procedures and processes with advanced ERP technology, the need for specialized IT consultants is also increasing. Our experienced Business Central consultants help you to make the most of the solution's capabilities so that you get the most out of your financial system.

We solve your business challenges

The customer's challenges and business needs are the very foundation of our company and therefore our primary goal is also to achieve the greatest possible satisfaction with our customers.

We place great importance on a close cooperation and a good dialogue so that we both understand your expectations and your business thoroughly and work with you to find the solution that solve your business challenges and meet your goals as efficiently as possible and thus can create maximum value for your company.

At Active Business Solutions, we know Business Central thoroughly and have worked with the solution from the time it went under the name Navision. We are therefore highly specialized in Business Central and cover all the business and work areas related to the financial system such as development, implementation, bug fixing, analysis, integrations and we take on the most demanding development projects and of course we always take responsibility for our part of the projects we are involved in.



Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner