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Business Central –reduced price for storage

Microsoft will roll out new prices and allowances for Business Central Cloud storage. With the upcoming plan, all Business Central Cloud customers will have extra storage space, which will be based on the number of their Essential and Premium licenses. The forthcoming pricing for additional storage space means that prices will be cut by three quarters or more.

More storage space in Business Central Cloud for the same price

As current pricing makes it impossible for a large number of companies looking to either upgrade or move to the cloud, Microsoft announced at their latest Business Central Launch Event for 2021 release wave 1 that it wants to change the model. The new pricing model is based on the old one, where you basically have 80 GB, but add 2 GB per user for Essential licenses and 3 GB per user for Premium licenses.

The new distribution of the extra storage space will take effect for all Business Central cloud customers on 1 July.

While the new storage pricing model is likely to meet the needs of the vast majority of Business Central Online customers, Microsoft will continue to offer additional storage space to those customers who may need it, but at a reduced price from $40 per GB to $10 per GB.

Customers who want to purchase extra storage space must switch to a new purchase SKU for the reduced prices when they become available.

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