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Dynamics NAV udfases, skift til Business Central

Dynamics NAV is in the process of being phased out of Microsoft's product portfolio. This means that you can no longer buy or rent a Dynamics NAV license.

Microsoft has stopped selling Dynamics NAV

Dynamics NAV, which was part of Microsoft's Dynamics business solutions, is currently undergoing a gradual phasing out. This means, among other things, that as of 31 March 2019, it was no longer possible to purchase a license for the latest version of NAV, which was Dynamics NAV 2018.

Get help with customizations, support and hosting of NAV

You can no longer buy or rent a Dynamics NAV license. If, on the other hand, you already have a Dynamics NAV solution, you can in principle easily continue to use it. And we still offer help with custo, support and development. Are you in doubt about whether you should continue to use your current Dynsamics NAV solution or whether you should upgrade to Business Central? Please feel free to contact us, our consultants have many years of experience with Navision and are some of the leading experts in the field and can quickly uncover your company's specific business needs.

Business Central replaces Dynamics NAV

Actually, it was more of a name change when Microsoft in 2018 phased out Dynamics NAV and instead introduced Business Central. Basically, Business Central was an upgraded version of Dynamics NAV 2018, but since Microsoft introduced the solution, a lot has happened and the solution differs today, among other things in the following areas:

  • Business Central Cloud
    Although Business Central is currently available in two versions, an on-premise version and a cloud version, there is no doubt that Microsoft's ambition is that Business Central will in the future be exclusively a cloud application.
  • SaaS
    Business Central is sold exclusively on a subscription basis according to the SaaS model (Software as a Service, a software licensing and delivery model, where the software is licensed on a subscription basis and hosted centrally), which in reality means that you rent your software.
  • Extensions
    A big difference between Dynamics NAV and Business Central is also that you can not make changes to the application itself and thus adapt the solution. Instead, customizations are made to Business Central as Extensions, which are outside the solution. The advantage is, among other things, that it becomes significantly easier to upgrade the solution.

Extensions replace customizations

One of the big differences between Dynamics NAV and Business Central is that in Business Central you can not change the basic code and adapt the solution in that way, but instead customizations are made as Extensions which is placed outside of the solution itself.

You can read much more about Extensions on this page



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