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Dynamics NAV Extensions

With Extensions you can extend and customize Microsoft Dynamics NAV without changing the original application.

Customize your ERP system

With Dynamics NAV Extensions you can adapt the ERP solution without changing the underlying C/AL code and metadata. Which means you can extend and customize the functionality of Microsoft Dynamics NAV without changing the objects in the original application.

Increased control

Extensions was introduced in Dynamics NAV as an implementation method. With expansion packs, it is possible to implement, upgrade and uninstall functionality in the local environment, giving users full control over the eksta functionality they need.

How does Extensions work?

Basically Extensions implements the code on Service Tier rather than to make it in the Dynamics NAV development environment. Therefore, you will not see the changes in the development environment in Dynamics NAV.

As a customer you can therefore easily add or remove customized functionality for Dynamics NAV, which makes upgrading and implementation of customized functionality much easier than before.


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Dynamics 365 Business Central partner