Mobile WMS for Android
Mobile WMS Android Edition
Tasklet Factorys warehouse management System Mobile WMS was up to Christmas launched as an Android version. The work to develop the Android platform has been more than a year underway and is an important step to ensure the future Tasklet Factorys solutions and not least ensure that the Mobile WMS is available on the best hardware devices avalible.
New hardware
By making Mobile WMS available on Android Tasklet Factory opens up for a lot of new hardware. In other words Tasklet Factory's Mobile WMS becomes available in several types of handheld devices.
Mobile WMS solution for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Mobile WMS warehouse management solution from Tasklet Factory supports work processes in your warehouse and is directly integrated to standard functionality in Dynamics NAV.
The solution's graphical interface is user friendly and can be configured to match each employee's specific needs. With the right solutions, your warehouse staff becomes more efficient and commit fewer errors as Mobile WMS gives them the tools and information they need to work effectively.
Installation and support of Mobile WMS is relatively easy as the application is directly integrated with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. All versions of Dynamics NAV are supported.