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Office 365 til Dynamics NAV

One of Microsoft's goals with the development of the latest version of Dynamics NAV, NAV 2017, has been to link Dynamics NAV and Office 365 as closely as possible.

The experience of Office 365 integration

Keep the connection between the applications and become more productive in your workflow.

Dynamics NAV is directly linked to Office 365. Therefore, you can handle business interactions with, for example, customers and suppliers directly in Outlook.

Integration to Outlook

With the integration between Dynamics NAV and Office 365, you can view dashboards for contacts, vendors, and customers. The improved compatibility between the two applications allows you to easily create customers, offers, vendors and invoices without having to leave Outlook.

The smooth integration between NAV and Office 365 means that you easily and quickly navigate between the two applications. With the effortless workflow, your employees become more efficient and thus save precious time that can be used for other and more important tasks.


With NAV 2017 and Office 365, you can invoice customers only based on entries in the Outlook calendar. From a calendar appointment in Outlook, you can via a Dynamics NAV add-in module in NAV 2017 get information about the customer associated with calendar Agreement. You can then create and send an invoice for the service delivered to that meeting, directly from the Outlook calendar.


The add-in module also works for attachments received via mail. You can send e-mail attachments directly to the incoming documents list in Navision and send .pdf files to an OCR service that converts documents into a readable format. The invoice information is therefore automatically added into Dynamics NAV.

Email templates

With Office 365, it is easy to create professional-looking templates that contain images and billing information, such as expiration dates and payment terms that will be used when sending mail to customers.


The contact list in Dynamics NAV can be synchronized with Office 365 and vice versa. Using a filter, you can filter the synchronization process so that only the most frequently used contacts are synchronized and added to the contact list.

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner