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Upgrading or reimplementing?

A number of Microsoft Dynamics NAV customers are still on older versions of the ERP solution. However these companies often see no reason to upgrade their ERP system, as the solution relatively unproblematic has met their needs for years, and support from Microsoft or a partner has been available.

An inevitable choice

In time however, it is inevitable for all companies having to upgrade or reimplement ERP system. The question is whether one should reimplement or upgrade? In some instances the choice is clear. If, for example, you are only two versions behind an upgrade is of course the obvious choice. For companies running on older versions than NAV 2013, a reimplementation in many cases make more sense than an upgrade, but not for all.

For some companies, the thought alone of having to leave a solution which for a long time has been tailored with elegant adaptation seems in itself to bee an impossible project. The fear of losing data if you change to a new database can also make some reluctant to an reimplementation.

Do not be a hostage of your data

For many companies it is important to keep all their history in one database, but whether it is the cost worthwhile to stay on an old database or to have this data brought forward should be thought through. There are also tools to get from old data to new data, but after a few years, this data will nonetheless essentially be irrelevant.

Adjustments will become obsolete

Maintaining a lot of complex customizations is far more unmanageable than starting over and simply transfer the business-critical customizations. However, in a new system, adjustments are often superseded by new functionality.

New functionality

Adaptations which before had to be customized is now standard functionality or simply bypassed by being solved through new functionality. So even though a degree of customization is still required, it is becoming less necessary as the new solutions continues to be extended with new functionality.

Unnecessary adaptations

Some companies assumes that their business requirements are completely unique. They assume, that their financial system needs to be tailored with specific adaptations which, with the latest version of Dynamics NAV, turns out to be unnecessary.

Not only functionality

By upgrading or reimplement you not only get an ERP system with new and better functionality, but a platform which provides access to a wide range of technology, such as Power BI and Office 365.

Stay in Outlook

A lot of time is lost when switching between different applications, which decreases productivity in the daily work. With the latest version of Dynamics NAV, NAV 2017, you can eliminate some of these time-consuming switches. In Outlook it is for example possible to access customer information in the ERP system by using an Outlook plugin.

Get the most out of your investment

The obvious argument for upgrading is, of course, that since you have already invested in Dynamics NAV, you might as well get the full return of the solution. With an upgrade and a new approach to the system you can get even more out of your licensing costs and the new functionality which is now available.

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