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Business Central 17 ready for preview

Also this time, it is possible for developers to test and validate the new features and capabilities in Business Central 17 before the rollout of the major 2020 Release Wave 2 update in October.

Business Central test version

As always, before a major update of Business Central, it is possible to test the new functionalities in sandbox environments, which are Business Central online test environments, where you create a trial version of the new version of Business Central before it launches.

When creating the new test environment, select the trial version marked as 'Preview' from the list of Business Central versions. That way, you get a new test environment with a trial version of Business Central 17.

Try, test and validate

Microsoft recommends that when you have the trial version of Business Central, you should do the following:

  1. Review the many new functionalities and options, test and examine them, and then share your experiences with your employees and train them in the new features that will be implemented by October.
  2. Check and verify Extensions that are connected to your Business Central solution.

    A big advantage of being able to test Business Central 17 before launching the update is that you can upload and install your extensions in the test environments created in the trial version, and subsequently run the functionality through. Here you can check that your Extensions are still working properly and are compatible with the new version.
  3. Should you encounter any issues while testing the quality and functionality of the new version, Microsoft requests that you send feedback to them with relevant information regarding the specific issues so that they can correct the errors before launch.
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