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Have a great summer!

The last few months have been tough for companies around the world and although many countries have started to open up again, the consequence often is that the virus again starts spreading. So even though many have a feeling that the worst is over, it is still an uncertain time we are facing. At Active Business Solutions, we do what we can to keep the wheels in motion and help our customers as well as possible through the crisis and we believe that everything will work out.

Corona pandemic and its consequences

Corona outbreak
On 11 March 2020, the WHO declared that the outbreak of coronavirus had spread to such an extent that it was now a pandemic. It gradually became clear to everyone that the consequences of the corona pandemic / COVID-19 would not only be health-related, but to a large extent also economic.

Economic recession
Not least when many governments made a drastic decision to shut down the countries, the global corona pandemic had a dramatic negative effect on the world economy and later global recession followed. In particular, the financial downturns in the United States and China have sent shock waves around the world.

Far from over
Although some countries are beginning to sense cautious optimism and a sense that the worst is over, the WHO warns that the corona pandemic is not yet over. On the contrary, they warn that the global pandemic is intensifying.

Back in the office
Nevertheless, luckily there is, at least so far, light ahead. Both Denmark and Norway have recently reopened step by step and many of those who have worked from home or been repatriated have begun to return to their respective workplaces.

We're back too
Also in Active Business Solutions we have returned and again have staffing in our offices. Also, while many are on summer vacation, we are ready to help our customers should the need arise.

Launch of Business Central 16

In the midst of the corona crisis, the 2020 Release Wave 1 was rolled out and the latest version of Business Central was launched. In this version, the focus was primarily on improvements in service quality and availability. In addition, Business Central 16 came with a number of productivity improvements and new functionality which you can read much more about on our page about 2020 Release Wave 1 Business Central.

2020 Release Wave 2 and Business Central 17

In October, the next upgrade wave of Dynamics 365 and Power Platform, called 2020 Release Wave 2, will be rolled out, and thus also the next version of Business Central, this time version 17. You can read much more about Business Central 17 on this page, which is constantly updated with information about the new features and options launched in the period when the upgrade wave is rolling out.

Have a great summer!

We hope for good weather and would like to wish all customers and partners a really good and sunny summer.

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner