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WooCommerce advantages

WooCommerce is a free open source webshop plugin for WordPress and was launched in 2011. Due to its simplicity and ease of use, which makes the solution easily accessible to anyone who want to set up an online business, WooCommerce quickly became popular and is today the most widespread e-commerce platform in the world. In addition, WooCommerce is also fully integrable with Business Central.

Developed for WordPress

WordPress is by far the most used CMS platform in the world, as a matter of fact about 25% of all websites runs on WordPress.

WooCommerce is not only the most popular webshop plugin for WordPress, but is also the most widely used e-commerce solution in the world. A WooCommerce webshop plugin can, compared to customized or more complicated CMS solutions, be implemented and be ready to sell your products in an extremely short time.

Easy Business Central integration with WooCommerce

When choosing an e-commerce platform to sell your goods online, there are several things to keep in mind. It is important that the solution supports your business processes, is flexible and can easily be scaled, is user-friendly and then it is a great advantage if the solution is integrated with your financial system.

With WooCommerce, you get an extremely user-friendly e-commerce solution that can be adapted to your company and its business processes, and which can be easily integrated with the world's most used ERP system, Business Central.

Read more about WooCommerce for Business Central

Get a free e-commerce platform

There are many high quality e-commerce platforms on the market, all of which aim to easily and manageable help companies sell their goods online. In many cases, however, the only drawback is that all of these solutions are costly and very inflexible. However, this does not apply to WooCommerce.

With WooCommerce you get, completely free, one of the market's best e-commerce solutions and despite the fact that the solution is both free and open source, you still get a solution that offers a lot of functionality, tools and opportunities, right out of the box. WooCommerce is extremely flexible, both in itself but also by the fact that with extensions you can add additional functionality. So, with WooCommerce, anyone can join and get the opportunity to sell goods online through a real webshop, even smaller companies and startups.

Flexibility and ease of use

Even for people without prior knowledge of e-commerce, WooCommerce is easy to use, which is probably one of the biggest benefits of the solution. A business owner, or the person in the company who is responsible for running the webshop, can work flexibly with the company's product range, without requiring that the person has technical knowledge and know-how.

In WooCommerce, it's easy to categorize products, assign sales prices, standalone attributes, and more. Furthermore, WooCommerce webshops allow you to sell physical, virtual, downloadable and even external products.

Easy to customize through themes

For many other e-commerce solutions on the market, making major design changes is both difficult and expensive. But even though WooCommerce is a free platform, it has not become a rigid platform, on the contrary.

With WooCommerce, you can easily and quickly switch back and forth between different visual expressions. This is done by using and switching between different themes. There are both themes that are free and themes that you pay for. Once you have chosen a theme you like, you even have the option to change the preset CSS styles and color themes, make adjustments to the code itself, and try out the many special features and options that each theme offers.

Extend the functionality through Extensions

WooCommerce is not only an attractive solution for small businesses and startups, but can help all ambitious online retailers set up and run their webshop, professionally, manageable and easy.

Search Engine Optimization. Get a Google-friendly webshop with WooCommerce

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the processes and methods used when working to improve your search engine rankings, not least in Google Google. SEO is important for all companies, but it goes without saying that if you sell your goods online, it is especially an advantage to be ranked as high as possible in the search results.

WooCommerce is based on one of the most well-known and well-established platforms in the world, which is largely adapted to the SEO guidelines published by Google. This means both that WooCommerce from the start is an SEO friendly solution and that SEO optimization of your products is also much simpler and more effective. With WooCommerce, you as a user get a clear and intuitive user interface, where all the most important information about your products and all information regarding SEO can be entered and saved. You also get access to excellent third-party SEO plugins that can help improve all the content and pages on your website.

Built-in data analysis

Data, and data analysis, are more important than ever, and without truthfully data analysis, it is difficult, if not impossible, to create a sustainable sales plan which can be the basis of strategies and actions. As part of the WooCommerce platform, there is intuitive and simple built-in analytics that are easily accessible and easy to use. For example, filter sales by date, most searched products, customer information, etc. and data displayed in the form of easy-to-understand pie charts and graphs. If you need further data presentation and deeper analysis, it is a simple process to enable Google Analytics in WooCommerce.

Simple and effective work processes

Just because WooCommerce is a free and user-friendly e-commerce platform, one should not be fooled into thinking that it is therefore also mediocre and simplified. WooCommerce is a professional e-commerce solution which contains all the functionality a modern company that sells its goods online needs.

In WooCommerce, for example, there is built-in functionality for detailed orders tracking and customer engagement tools, which allows the webshop owner to view previous and open orders, add discounts, update delivery status and so on. Also advanced functionality like tax administration, shipping options, inventory management, coupon codes and pretty much everything else a business needs to run a professional webshop is standard part of WooCommerce.

WooCommerce also supports and facilitates sales techniques such as up-selling (sales technique where a salesperson invites the customer to buy more expensive items, upgrades or other additions to generate more revenue) and cross-selling (approach to selling an additional product or service to an existing customer) and the platform is built to simplify and facilitate the processes around these sales procedures.


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