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Business Central Company Hub

Some users work across multiple companies in Business Central, and others also work in more than one organization, such as external auditors or employees and managers in companies with multiple branches or subsidiaries. For these users and many others, the Business Central Company Hub serves as a landing page from which to manage work across the different environments which is being worked in, across companies, environments and regions.

A part of the Dynamics 365 2020 Release Wave 2 upgradewave

Business Central Company Hub is a brand new concept that Microsoft is releasing along with the launch of Business Central 17, which is part of the upgrade wave D365 Release Wave 2 in 2020.

Overview of all companies and branches

The Company Hub application provides a dashboard which gives an overview of data for each company the user has access to across the entire Business Central online. An example is an accountant who has several companies as clients.

The dashboard is a highly specialized and advanced role center, which gives the user a better overview of his work in the various companies.

Business Central Company Hub is an extension and once installed, you are ready to go. Once you have started up, you can start testing the functionality of a trial company. You can delete this business at any time.

Access to Company Hub

You can access Company Hub by switching to the Company Hub role in 'My Settings' or by directly opening the Company Hub page. The same work can be done in both places, so that way there is no difference, but actions are placed a little differently in the menus.

Installing Business Central Company Hub Extension

When you install the Company Hub extension in Business Central, choose whether you want to use it right away. If you want to, you must first log out and then log in again, because the new extension will replace your current role center and add permissions to your user profile.

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