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Business Central API's

Dynamics 365 makes it easy to connect between third-party solutions or services and Business Central via connectivity apps.

APIs til Business Central

In Dynamics 365 you can create connect apps. Connect apps establish a direct point-to-point connection between Business Central and a third-party solution or service. The connection for the data exchange is typically established via a standard REST (Representative state transfer) API, which is designed to take advantage of existing protocols. Any code language that manages to call REST APIs can be used to develop your Connect app.

Enabling APIs for Business Central

In Business Central, an API is made visible, which makes it possible to integrate the ERP app with other apps or services. To enable integration with these APIs, it is necessary to go through a few steps. These steps are intended to enable access to Business Central.


Please note

REST programming is not supported in C/SIDE. Therefore, in order to run your APIs, you must add the REST-dependent characters manually. Existing W1 objects can be compiled and loaded, but it should be noted that some .NET types cannot be loaded into the C/SIDE development environment variable editor due to lack of server dependency.

Enable access to the Business Central APIs

  1. Open the Business Central Administration Tool.
  2. Expand the OData Services tab, and first select the check box Enable OData Services. Then select the Enable API Services check box.
  3. First check that the values ​​for OData Base URL and Port are entered correctly. When you expose a web service, you need to first access the gateway to other consumers of the web service. If necessary, have your system administrator add the port through Windows Firewall on the computer running the Business Central server.
  4. In Business Central, first search for API Setup and then select the link related to it.
  5. On the API Setup page, select the Integrate APIs button. This starts a process where all integration tables are filled with records for all APIs. Please notice that the process can take several minutes.

Depending on where you want to access the APIs, you must specify the correct endpoint.

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