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Will Madeira become Dynamics 365?

A few days ago Microsoft announced Dynamics 365. Everything indicates that Dynamics 365 is based on Project Madeira and Madeira therefore was the working title for the new online ERP solution.

Online Business Solution

Dynamics 365 will bring together the best of Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM solutions and combine them into one online business solution. Dynamics 365 will according to Microsoft be available worldwide in the autumn of this year.

At the moment it seems that Dynamics 365 is based on Dynamics NAV and CRM Online. In addition, we will probably see an enterprise version of Dynamics 365 based on Dynamics AX.

Not a closed system

Furthermore Dynamics 365 will not become a closed system, but is natively integrated with big data, IoT, Power Bi, Cortana Intelligence, Microsoft Flow, in short, everything you need. The name considered (Dynamics 365), it probably won't come as a surprise that Dynamics 365 will be tightly integrated with Office 365.

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