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Why upgrade to NAV 2016?

Several companies regularly find that they have to undergo a major and costly upgrade process when the accounting system must be lifted to a more modern version.

Get more out of your software

Upgrading your company's accounting system can be a highly profitable investment. A successful upgrade can generate real business value, as you can benefit from the many new features that comes with NAV 2016, including a new user interface and corrections of previous versions of Navision.

An upgrade can increase productivity, is better able to protect your data and makes it easier to expand your business. These parameters can in the long run result in more business opportunities and a more competitive position.

By upgrading you get the most out of your ERP system and a better return on your investment in software.

In other words, it's time to upgrade your accounting system. Read more about Dynamics NAV 2016 here.

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner