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Project 'Madeira' preview

Just a few days ago most people probably thought that 'Madeira' was merely the name of the latest version of Dynamics NAV 2017.

New Cloud solution

however it turns out that 'Madeira' is a brand new Cloud solution from Microsoft.

At first sight 'Madeira' seems to be a Cloud version of Dynamics NAV but with additional integration to Office 365. But rather than being a 'NAV in the Cloud' solution, 'Madeira' is instead a new ERP business solution in the cloud. But that said, 'Madeira' is fundamentally based on Dynamics NAV.

Apparently, 'Madeira' is still the internal name for NAV 2017 at Microsoft, in the same way as 'Corfu' was the name for Dynamics NAV 2016.

'Madeira' preview

If you are a US resident, you can now try 'Madeira' via the following link:

Project 'Madeira' seem to focus on the following four pillars:

  • A new level of productivity
  • Cloud first
  • Mobil first
  • Developed for growth

Read more

Here you can read more about Project 'Madeira'

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