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Microsoft Flow

Microsoft Flow lets you create automated workflows across your Microsoft services and applications.

What is Microsoft Flow?

Flow is one of the newer solutions from Microsoft. If you already use Office 365, there is especially a very good reason to be interested in Microsoft Flow, as the solution in such a case has great potential.


By default, Microsoft Flow has templates allowing you to easily get started with the solution. The templates are grouped into four categories, but Microsoft Flow also allows users to quickly build their own flow by simply filling in a few parameters.

Work smarter

With Microsoft Flow works you can automate just about all of your routines and thereby minimize the workload on time-consuming tasks or processes. Whether it concerns a complicated workflow with multiple stages or whether it is merely a simple task with a single step, Microsoft Flow works in the background and increases efficiency, productivity and performance.

This means you can establish a simple one-step flow that notifies your entire workgroup when you set up a work element, or a complex multi-step flow that detects, tracks and follows up with new items - all automatically.

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