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Your company can not do without ERP

For the very small or newly-started companies, an ERP system may seem unnecessary, but if, like most companies, you plan to expand your business, it will sooner or later require an ERP system.

Lengthy workflows

As the company grows, so does the workload and complexity for the staff that manages it exponentially.

Even though start-up companies in the start-up period will often be able to cope with a free accounting system, or even get far with spreadsheets and email, an expanding company will sooner or later be hampered by slow manual manpower and cumbersome logistics.

Not being able to meet customer demand can potentially alleviate and slow down any business in an important growth phase.

Increased operational efficiency

Investing in ERP software helps the company consolidate business activities into a fully integrated application, simplifying workflows and increasing flexibility. The ERP application uses an overall integrated database, which accelerates response times and increases operational efficiency, ultimately ensuring the company's future success.


Reasons why your business can not be without an ERP system

One overall user interface

Without a superior system to manage the many different business processes in the company, there will inevitably be an implementation of widely different applications to manage and control day-to-day operations. This leads to chaotic data transfer, time-consuming workflows and, not least, a security gap due to lack of access control.

An ERP system binds the separate work processes into one overall system and presents data through a unified interface.

Better accounting management and financial reporting

Control and overview of the financial part of your business is an essential factor in ensuring your company success through a growth phase. However, as time goes by and the company grows, the complexity of data can appear overwhelmingly without an efficient and centralized IT system.

It goes without saying that manual data entry will significantly inhibit productivity. An integrated ERP application can eliminate the need of the difficult data entry work, thus freeing resources for other tasks. A centralized ERP platform also increases the visibility of important data and therefore helps to create an overview of your business.

Faster response time

As your business becomes visible in the market in which it operates and therefore receives more orders, it can be difficult to maintain and improve service delivery, which for many companies, is not just a competitive parameter but a necessity for maintaining the company's visibility on the market. An overview of all information across all business departments is a condition in order for management and salespeople to provide the optimal customer service.

Many small businesses, typically newly started, uses a free online accounting system. Often, the problem with such systems is their inability to integrate with other business processes, making many of these solutions ineffective as a tool to manage overall business processes. ERP systems today have built-in functionality that goes across the business areas of the company, eliminating the need for multiple applications that overlap each other.

An effective cost reduction tool

An ERP system can provide actual and real-time data related to the company's daily operations. This data helps decision makers plan their strategy on a professional and informed basis. An ERP system is an extremely effective tool for managing and monitoring your business, and with an ERP system, you can save operating and administrative costs, but also systematically streamline your daily operations.

Increased productivity

Most companies will undoubtedly make a greater or lesser effort to reduce the costs and time spent on performing a specific job. An ERP system consolidates all the information that is entered into the system across the many departments and thus serves as a secure warehouse.

Mobility and flexibility

With an ERP system, data from different sources and departments in the company is streamlined into one single business platform. As flexibility and mobility are of major importance in the modern business, remote access to crucial data in the database is important and a crucial factor that saves the company both time and resources and ensures delivery of quality work within deadlines. Therefore, the possibility of mobile integration can be a crucial factor in selecting which ERP system you want to invest in.

A modern ERP solution can today handle multiple features by utilizing a centralized database that delivers accurate information for use no matter where in the world you are and on which device you use.


Dynamics NAV

As your business grows, it is important to get the most out of the available technology and thus maintain control of the company and stay ahead of competition. Microsoft's ERP solution Dynamics NAV is an excellent tool for companies looking for the latest ERP technology and a solution that is constantly improving.

The latest version of Dynamics NAV is called Dynamics NAV 2018, but as Dynamics NAV, according to Microsoft itself during this year will be part of Microsoft's new ERP application Business Central, everything indicates that we are not going to see a Dynamics NAV 2019. However, the solution will remain the same, just with a different name. Read more about Business Central here.

A trustworthy ERP partner

In Active Business Solutions, we have expertise in ERP and Dynamics NAV that lasts for more than two decades. We work with all types of businesses, big and small, in all industries and have a good reputation in the industry.

Contact us for more information.


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