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Benefits of Business Central

Dynamics 365 Business Central is a complete business application management application. Business Central is user-friendly and can be tailored to the company's industry-specific needs, helping to connect the company across the individual departments so that management can make better decisions.

NAV 2019, a part of Business Central

Microsoft has announced that there will not be a NAV 2019, but that Dynamics NAV will henceforth be a part of Business Central. Microsoft's new ERP application, Business Central, has been awaited with both excitement and skepticism. Now it's released and we have looked closely at the new solution.

Here are some of the benefits of Business Central:

Benefits og Business Central

Integrated Artificial Intelligence / AI

Like Dynamics NAV, Business Central has built-in intelligence (Artificial Intelligence / AI), which is designed to save time and resources for the user and not least, detect changing patterns and changes in the business. A good example is the Smart Analytics feature in Power BI. Business Central also informs you about tasks, you might be interested in connecting to other tasks you are about to complete. If you create a purchase order to reorder a product from a vendor, Business Central will notify you of other items from the same vendor that is about to be sold out, so you can add them to the purchase order.

AI also allows you to streamline your business processes and reduce difficult data entry. For example, when uploading a product image during product setup, Business Central reads the image, recognizes the associated product and automates parts of the setup, completes fields and offers suggestions for improvements.

Business Central integration into Power BI

Microsoft's data analysis tool, or business intelligence application, has in itself become a highly effective tool for creating an overview of company data, but with integration into Business Central (or Dynamics NAV), the application reaches an even higher level of efficiency. With integration to Business Central, all content can be viewed directly in Business Central, therefore, you do not need to skip back and forth between the two applications to view data and analysis. But not only that, the integration between the Microsoft Office applications makes data from all of your Microsoft applications, not just Business Central, so you can easily get a complete image of your business in real time.

Business Central integration into Outlook

With the integration of Business Central and Outlook, you will be able to complete Business Central related activities without leaving Outlook the client. For example, if a customer sends a query you can create and send an offer back directly from Outlook. If the customer approves the offer you can, also in Outlook, create, send and post an invoice. Therefore, you do not need to spend precious time jumping back and forth between applications, import or export documents, or manually manual data entry.

The rolecenter

The employees in your business that have access to Business Central have all been assigned to a user profile that gives them access to a role center i the ERP system. In Business Central, your role center is a bit like a startscreen. When you log in, then the role center is the first thing you see. Different types of companies have different types of employees, and different employees have different needs and routines. Therefore, Microsoft has made it possible for the system to be adapted by each individual user by customizing the startscreens for different roles. The role center includes, among other things, key performance indicators (KPIs), Navigation Menus, and hot keys. For example, the role screen for your sales manager will display KPI's, the most selling products and action buttons, such as 'Create New Offers'.

Favorite Accounts

In Business Central, you have access to a list of your preferred accounts. The list can be customized to contain the most urgent accounts you need. The list is based on what you currently work on or what you most often need to see.

Automatic vendor payment

Business Central offers  offers automated functionality for supplier payments (Accounts Payable / AP) that makes it easier to perform payments from the company to its suppliers. The functionality allows you to define the specific items that you most frequently import or export. Once that provider has been defined, Business Central recognizes these items and performs follow-up tasks accordingly, for example by recognizing a paid invoice as something to be posted. Business Central has built-in functionality that adapts to the individual bookkeeping's work routines.


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