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Thank you all for a great year!

Thanks to both customers and business partners for a good cooperation in the year that have passed. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Busy and eventful 2018

The past year has been both busy and eventful.

Dynamics NAV as brand name was phased out and the solution continues instead as the on-premise version of Business Central, which is therefore now no longer exclusively available in the cloud. In short, the latest version of Dynamics NAV is not called NAV 2019, but instead got the name 'Dynamics 365 Business Central On-premise'.

In addition, during the year we have got both new customers and business partners and we have been busy with a lot of new projects.


We see a bright future and are in no doubt that 2019 will bring even more positive experiences as well as continued good cooperation with our customers and business partners.

We look forward to an exciting 2019, with everything it will bring with it activities and challenges.

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner