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Virtual reality (VR) for businesses

There is no doubt that virtual reality (VR), which over the past decades has been hyped as 'the next big thing' this time has come to stay and soon VR devices will be something everybody owns. Then the question is, to what extent will VR technology be part of the future company.

More than just entertainment

Whether it's testing a product or increasing customer loyalty, VR is a powerful technology that can create an improved consumer experience and market and present your products and services in a whole new way. But the potential for VR does not stop there, VR will bring even more opportunities in the future, both for companies and individuals.

New way of doing business

There is no doubt that for companies that have an ambition to stand out from their competitors and build a relationship with their customers, VR becomes a so-called game changer and will change the way these companies are doing business. For example, VR can be used to showcase a company's products in a more vibrant way by letting customers sense and test the product before purchasing it.

However, displaying products is not the only way VR can be used. The new technology also brings other opportunities.

Support and training

A good example of what VR in the future may be used for, could be support and training. For example, you can easily imagine that VR will largely be attractive as an effective tool for remote support and training of employees who is located far from the office no matter what type of employee to be trained, VR provides access to the virtual world and the chance to make the employee better, without ever having to leave the office.

VR alson enables companies to train employees more often than ever, which ultimately can make the company who understands using this more competitive.

Be present -even when you work at home

With virtual reality, there is also an opportunity to create a better relationship between employees working far from the workplace and their managers or working groups. Imagine employees working from home, but still at the virtual office surrounded by colleagues. This can make the homeworking employees feel like part of the meeting or team and ultimately lead to increasing productivity.

Less travel time

When your employees today have to attend important meetings, for example at another business address, or are visiting a customer, that there is allocated much time (often long term) for travel. Of course you can use a service like Skype and have meetings and customer visits via video conferencing, but the experience of a Skype meeting is still not the same as actually being in the room and sit face to face with colleagues or customers.

A VR meeting clearly can not, at least not yet, replace business trips and personal meetings, but will probably, if the technology is used properly, reduce the number of them.


Sellers often face the challenge that the time it takes a potential buyer of a product to decide often ends in uncertainty which may result in a loss of sales. The uncertainty occurs because the buyer does not feel that he or she has researched enough and has not obtained enough information about the product and therefore does not feel comfortable buying it.

By using VR, it is possible for a potential customer to compare two products in a virtual reality before selecting and buying the given product. VR can thus be used to eliminate the uncertainty of the buyer and thus promote sales.

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