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Business Central - New name, same solution

Dynamics NAV changes its name to Business Central, at the same time, the solution also gets a new license model.

New name, same solution

Microsoft has launched the October release to a number of their business applications. In this context, the ERP application Dynamics NAV is not only optimized with new functionality and improvements, but has also gained a new name, Dynamics 365 Business Central (On-Premise).  Therefore, we will not see a new version of Dynamics NAV called NAV 2019.

New name and new logo, but the solution is still the same

New name and new logo, but the solution is still the same

It has been known for a long time that Dynamics NAV 2018 would be the last version of the solution with that brandname, which from now on, instead is called Dynamics 365 Business Central. So Microsoft does not close the sale of Dynamics NAV, but simply changes the name of the solution.

New name, new license model

With the launch of the Business Central (On-Premises) also followed a new license model and a modified definition of what a user is. Microsoft switches from the well-known 'concurrent' user model to the 'named' user model already used in virtually all other Microsoft products.

Business Central license model

With the launch of the Business Central came also a new license model


What is the difference between concurrent and named users?
With the 'concurrent' user model, the access to Navision was limited to the number of users, whereas in the named user model, only licensed users can access the system, whether they work simultaneously or displaced from each other. This means that all employees who use the solution must have their own user and that you can no longer share a user access.

Furthermore, the Starter Pack and Extended Pack is no longer available. However, you can now choose between two Full User users, Essentials and Premium. A combination of the two is not possible in the new model. In addition, instead of the Limited Users license, there is now the Team Member license, which has the same limitations.

Perpetual Licensing or Subscriptional Licensing
You can still license through Perpetual Licensing (on-premise), where you purchase the software for permanent and unlimited use, or you can license through Subscriptional Licensing (SaaS), where the solution rented and therefore can be used only during the agreed subscription period.

If you change your Dynamics NAV license to a Business Central license, 1 simultaneous user is exchanged for 2 named Business Central users.

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Dynamics 365 Business Central partner