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Standard Dynamics NAV

Today, the ERP system is full of functionality and for many companies, a standard ERP solution will be a far better choice than tailor-made and often expensive business systems that often bind the customer to the provider.

High quality and better return

Over the years, ERP systems have evolved from relatively simple accounting systems but today consist of a wide range of functionality and best practice. With just a minimum of changes, the system can solve most of the tasks that a tailored industry solution can and is easier to implement and upgrade. An industry solution, on the other hand, is often expensive both to acquire and maintain and in many cases the company relies on the IT vendor who developed the system.

Flexible and independent

With standard ERP you get high quality, efficiency and flexibility as well as better return on your investment. Additionally, you avoid becoming dependent on an IT provider, the only one who knows the solution and thus is able to maintain and support it.

With a standard ERP solution, you get freedom and flexibility in terms of both choosing and eventually replacing your IT provider. In addition, the customized standard versions of Dynamics NAV beats the highly customized business solutions when it comes to functionality. Standard installations are also far easier to upgrade when new functionality becomes available.

The right ERP system

Despite a certain uniformity in each individual industry, all companies and their employees are completely unique. Nevertheless, the administrative business processes are largely the same from company to company and can in most cases be handled standard by the ERP system Microsoft Dynamics NAV (formerly Navision).

Anyone familiar with Microsoft know that they continuously improve their software and regularly provides updates. In an ERP context, this also implies new and improved functionality.


A Point of Sale (POS) system is the place where the customer completes the payment for a given product or service offered by the company.

POS systems make it possible to complete the business transaction between customer and company. The POS system is an IT network consisting of a main computer that is connected to the cash terminals located in the stores and is supported by hardware such as barcode scanners and card payment terminals.

POS systems are often tailor-made solutions delivering the functionality you need but are also extremely complicated. Therefore, many POS customers are locked to specialized solutions. As a result, they have become fully dependent on this POS supplier's ability to both innovate and develop.

Competitive advantage

One must draw a line between the specialized POS solution and the ERP system. By working with third-party vendors who know POS consistently and an ERP vendor that focuses on the heavier business processes behind POS, including securing accurate data, one gains a competitive edge by giving them full control over cost and spot prices. Especially in the field of electronics and computer retail, this information is crucial and a competitive advantage.

Business Central

According to Microsoft, Dynamics NAV becomes a part of their new cloud ERP application Business Central, which is also largely based on the idea that standard ERP is far more preferred than expensive customized special solutions. If you have needs that are besides the functionality already available in Business Central, you can download applications through AppSource, covering the specific functionalities you need.

ABS Total IT-Platform in the cloud

With our IT platform in the cloud, you rent an all-in-one business IT platform that includes all the business applications you need to run a modern enterprise, including a standard Dynamics NAV solution, and it's all located on one platform in the cloud.

Read more about our 'all-in-one' business platform here.

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner